How To Lose Weight The Right Way

March 12, 2018

Some people resort to unhealthy crash and fad diets to lose weight fast. They do not know that they are depriving their bodies of essential nutrients. Available in multiple countries (including the Philippines) is Usana Essentials, which is a range of products that can help you maintain the right amount of nutrition. This along with a healthy diet and exercise program can help you lose way quick and safe.

Unhealthy Diets

A rule of thumb for safely losing weight is to only follow logical diet plans. Any diet plan that has you losing more than 2-3 pounds a week is too good to be true and probably has unhealthy side effects. The examples of such are the following:

  • Crash diets that have you consuming only 1,200 calories or less per day are counterproductive. This is because such a diet will burn not only fat, but muscles as well. Without strong muscles, your workouts will be ineffective and unsafe.
  • Fad diets are also unhealthy for you because it constricts you to only eat a certain type of food which will not balance out your macronutrients.  Also it is unpleasant and hard to commit to.

Safe Weight Loss


The following are recommended diets for safe weight loss

  1. Michael Dasinger, a doctor of medicine featured on the hit weight-loss TV show The Biggest Loser, recommends a diet focusing on consuming fruits, vegetables, egg whites, soy, chicken breasts, fish, shellfish, non-fat dairy, and lean meat.
  2. A registered dietician and author of The Flexitarian Diet, Dawn Jackson Blatner, recommends the following tips to effectively follow any diet:
    • Eating vegetables will make you feel full.
    • Drink ample amounts of water.
    • Remove any tempting, unhealthy foods from your home.
    • Stay busy; boredom can lead you to eat.
    • Don’t skip meals.
    • Eat only from a plate to limit your intake.
  3. Bonnie Taub Dix, another registered dietician and author, recommends keeping a food journal to help you stay the course of your diet. You can also use this to track how your emotions affect your eating patterns. Factors such as stress and sadness could lead us eat more foods not in our diet and at excessive amounts. Consider talking to a counsellor about different ways to deal with feelings that encourage you to eat.


If you are a beginner at exercises or a person afflicted with chronic disease, then be sure to consult with your doctor about which and how much exercises you can do. The rule of thumb would be to go at your own pace and not to do too much too soon; build yourself up to your goals to prevent injury.

Ideally, an effective and safe fat loss workout involves cardio mixed with strength training. Cardio can be done every day for an hour while strength training can be done every other day. Warm up for these exercises well to build up a sweat and maintain a steady flow of sweat in order to ensure weight loss.

When you have built up to it, you can begin interval training. This is a program that alternates between intense and mellow exercises throughout your workout for a day. Such a program allows you to slowly but safely push yourself harder to increase fat burning efficiency. You could also use fitness equipment to boost your workout.

While losing fat to look good is a very good side effect, it is not the ideal purpose of dieting and working out. You do these in order to improve your life. Thus, you should make sure you lose weight safely to get both great looks and health.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Avatar

    Great advice! It takes time to lose fat. Not going too crazy with your diet or exercise is the key.

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